About Us

The CEGR is composed of eleven laboratories with over 70 students and staff. We aim to provide a conducive learning environment for making cutting edge discoveries on fundamental mechanisms of eukaryotic gene regulation. Most labs share common space to promote a community of interactions. Academic Environment The research interests of all CEGR members are focused…

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2016 CEGR Fall Retreat

2016 CEGR Fall Retreat Every year, the PIs leading the labs in The Center for Eukaryotic Gene Regulation (CEGR) invite their staff and families to a Fall retreat. Our faculty host a Center-wide activity outside of normal collaborative lab work and the Megameeting on Tuesdays.  This year’s event will be hosted at the Civil Engineering Lodge on Lake…

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Eberly Office for Innovation aids tech transfer partnerships

Eberly Office for Innovation aids tech transfer partnerships Tara Immel June 10, 2016 Across the University, researchers are continually making discoveries and creating inventions that can have real-world impact and societal benefits. Although this intellectual property (IP) and innovation often can result in improving health, developing new materials, and addressing environmental issues, among other important…

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New approach discovered for brain repair

New approach discovered for brain repair Chemical transformation of human glial cells into neurons Barbara K. Kennedy October 26, 2015 UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — For the first time, researchers have used a cocktail of small molecules to transform human brain cells, called astroglial cells, into functioning neurons for brain repair. Their results provide proof-of-principle that…

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2015 CEGR Fall Retreat

2015 CEGR Fall Retreat Every year, the PIs leading the labs in The Center for Eukaryotic Gene Regulation (CEGR) invite their staff and families to a Fall retreat. Our faculty host a Center-wide activity outside of normal collaborative lab work and the Megameeting on Tuesdays.  This year’s event will be hosted at Shaver’s Creek on Friday, October 16th…

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Disabling infection-fighting immune response speeds up wound healing in diabetes

Disabling infection-fighting immune response speeds up wound healing in diabetes Sam Sholtis June 15, 2015 UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — One of the body’s tools for fighting off infection in a wound may actually slow down the healing process, according to new research by a team of Harvard University, Boston Children’s Hospital, and Penn State University…

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2014 CEGR Fall Retreat

The principal investigators for the Center for Eukaryotic Gene Regulation, specifically Dr. Mahony, Dr. Bai, Dr. Wang, Dr. Gilmour, Dr. Reese, Dr. Pugh, Dr. Hardison, Dr. Llinas, Dr. Showalter, and Dr. Tan, all collaborate to have a Fall outing.  They provide for this event each Fall in order to have the newer graduate students, new…

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